• PakGent-s filtrem,10x96 ks

PakGent-s filtrem,10x96 ks

  • PakGent
  • UFPT-F
  • In Stock
  • 1 172,00Kč

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PakGent s filtrem, STERILNÍ

V krabičkách 10 x 96 ks

10uL/200 uL/1000uL: extra long design

Délka 1000 ul špiček: 102 mm

Délka 10 ul špiček: 46 mm

Vhodné i pro multikanálové pipety - test pipetování s multikanálovou pipetou můžete zhlédnout ZDE.

Hladké zakončení špičky (according to QA standard)

Kompatibilní s pipetami Biohit, Rainin, Dragonmed, Eppendorf Research, Gilson, Beckman a dalšími.


All sterile products are irradiated electron beam radiation, which is same level as gamma irradiation but less harsh on plastics than radiation and does not leave toxic residues like gas sterilization usually does to the product.
All of our sterile pipette tips are manufactured out of the highest grade resins and are certified to be RNase, DNase, DNA, pyrogen, and ATP free. Our non-sterile tips are made from the same high quality resins and are certified RNase and DNase free as well.

Další informace naleznete ZDE.

PakGent - Ceník

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